eオリーブオイル選び | Buy the Good Olive Oil
eオリーブオイル選びについて メインビジュアル
eオリーブオイル選びについて メインビジュアル SP
いつでも世界中の本物のいいオリーブオイルとオリーブオイルにまつわる中立的な情報に出会え、必要な時にネット上の店のドアをノックできるサイトです。世界 TOP10 の主要コンテストの一つに選ばれている「OLIVE JAPAN® 国際オリーブオイルコンテスト」の受賞作品と、その商品がどこで買えるかをわかりやすく検索いただけます。


”Buy the Good Olive Oil” is a site where you can always find real Good Olive Oil from around the world as well as neutral information about Olive Oil. You can also search for the winners of the OLIVE JAPAN® International Olive Oil Contest, one of the TOP 10 major contests in the world, and where you can buy their products.

Let’s enjoy the Good Olive Oil Experiences together!



It all started with a will to share the fascination of Good Olive Oil


Olive Oil, produced in countries around the world, comes in a variety of varieties and flavors, and is one of the most important seasonings indispensable for cooking. And because Olive Oil is an agricultural product, its taste and flavor vary from year to year. However, there are not many opportunities to taste Olive Oil in a store before buying it. It is not easy to find the perfect bottle for your loved one’s taste or for today’s cuisine. This website was created to help people discover the essence of real Olive Oil.


Good Olive Oil is the ultimate natural food!


Although consumption of Olive Oil is increasing along with expectations for “taste,” “expanded fresh use,” and “health benefits,” the quality of Olive Oil varies widely, and some products on the shop shelves are not meeting the expected quality as Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The taste and flavor of Olive Oil varies from year to year, depending on the fruit yield and pressing techniques. Consuming deteriorated or oxidized oil on a daily basis is questionable from both a health and food safety standpoint. However, in reality, there are not many opportunities to taste the oil before purchasing. It is not easy to find a bottle that suits your or your loved one’s taste without missing the mark. This site is the answer to that challenge.


Where can we buy Contest-winning Good Olive Oils?

いいオリーブオイルを見極める方法の一つとして、世界各国でその年に生産されたオリーブオイルの中立的な評価を行うコンテストの結果を参考にすることができます。このサイトでは、世界TOP10の主要コンテストの一つに選ばれ、海外でも知名度の高いOLIVE JAPAN国際オリーブオイルコンテスト®の受賞商品と、その商品がどこで買えるかを、一目でご覧いただけます。

One way to identify Good Olive Oil is to refer to the results of a contest that neutrally evaluates Olive Oils produced that year. On this site, you can see at a glance the winning products of the OLIVE JAPAN® International Olive Oil Contest, one of the TOP 10 major contests in the world and well known abroad, and where you can buy these products.


What this site can do for you?

オリーブオイルソムリエが薦める「eオリーブオイル選び」 探す・買う はずれなく、好みの本物のオリーブオイルを検索しネット上のお店で購入できる
オリーブオイルソムリエが薦める「eオリーブオイル選び」 読む・知る 最新の記事や YouTube 動画で楽しくオリーブオイルに関する信頼できる情報を入手できる
体験する テイスティングや収穫など、さまざまな体験イベント情報を入手できる
学ぶ より深く学べる講座や書籍を探すことができる


このサイトに掲載されている国際オリーブオイルコンテストOLIVE JAPAN® の審査の結果及び商品の写真は、日本オリーブオイルソムリエ協会®より提供いただいております。また、販売先のリンクについては輸入会社さま、お取り扱い会社さまにご確認をいただいておりますが、もしお気づきの点がございましたら、ぜひこちらまでご連絡ください。



The results of the OLIVE JAPAN® International Olive Oil Contest and the photos of the products on this site are provided by the Japan Olive Oil Sommelier Association®. We have asked our importers/distributors to confirm the links to their online sales locations, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

When one encounters a Good Olive Oil for the first time, with its fresh, fragrant aroma of blue grass, green apples, or sweet fruits and nuts, one is at a loss for words for a moment, the expression on one’s face changes, and the next moment one becomes eloquent. We, the founders of this project, are two people who are also attracted by Olive Oil.

We would be more than happy if the products and reading material on this site could help you and your family to have a good time and enjoy the aroma of Olive Oil on your dining table.

ヘルシーフード生活 プロデューサー
日本オリーブオイルソムリエ協会®認定 オリーブオイルソムリエ®


eオリーブオイル選び 編集長
日本オリーブオイルソムリエ協会®認定 オリーブオイルソムリエ®


Founders:  Emi Sakakida / Kazuko Nakada
